“Water is life” is a campaign that aims to alert the population to the need to take good care of the most precious asset we have in life, water. With subtitles such as “don’t waste it”, “every drop counts” or “reduce your consumption” the aim is to alert the population of the Algarve to a problem that is domestic.

This leads to the question of whether biological pools are eventually also a waste of water?

The water in a biological pool, once full, remains in place and is never changed. The only amount replenished is the water evaporated during the hottest summer months. Therefore, this evaporated quantity could be considered an unnecessary loss. But it is not! First, evaporating water is a natural effect and not any water pollution in the environment. Second, throughout most of the country, the surface of the biological pool captures more water during the rainy season than the biological pool evaporates during the warmer months. Through underground collection of excess water, it is possible to collect rainwater for use in the summer when the biological pool needs it.

The water from a biological pool is an offering to nature. A freshwater spot in the landscape serves as a watering hole for wildlife. The miniature wetland that each biological pool contains offers habitat for a multitude of living beings and thus constitutes not only a welcoming place for human users, but also for frogs, newts, dragonflies, tortoises, water beetles, plants water and much more. With its natural quality living water, it becomes an important site for biodiversity and wildlife.

And, in comparison, conventional pools? The “Water is life” campaign does not speak of these…