Winter is an excellent time to think about the maintenance of the biological pool, usually this is no bathing time. Winter is the time to prepare the summer, that means, prepare the biological pool for the next bathing season!
It is advised to check the proper functioning of all components of the biological pool, technical equipment such as pumps that should continue to work also in the winter season. Some attention deserves the storm water outlet, if necessary eliminate any clogs because the excess of rain water has to work well in the rainy season.
It is recommended to schedule the cleaning for the beginning of the new year. This guarantees the availability of the divers’ team of SHB, Lda. at the time desired by the client. That rigorous cleaning is part of the annual preparatory work for all biological pools. Some very productive pools need, in addition, also the export of biomass in the form of pruning of plants. The team of divers makes this intervention with preference in the winter for not to disturb the ecosystem during the bathing season.
It’s also a good time to think about new accessories and equipment to improve your biological pool and its surrounding area. For more information check the news on this page or contact Bio Piscinas, Lda.