Bio Piscinas, Lda. has joined the recently established Temporary Pond Landstewardship Network of the LIFE Charcos project.
The LIFE Charcos Project aims to conserve a priority habitat, the Mediterranean Temporary Ponds (habitat priority 3170 * of the Habitats Directive), which is increasingly threatened due to its ecological fragility and lack of knowledge of its natural value. The project is coordinated by the Liga da Protecção da Natureza (LPN) and has the partnership of several public and private institutions, namely the University of Évora, University of the Algarve, Odemira Town Hall and the Mira Beneficiaries Association.
Bio Piscinas, Lda. as member of this Landstewardship Network collaborates for example in environmental awareness, through the edition of its monthly newsletter, and the dissemination of Good Practices related to the conservation of the Mediterranean Temporary Ponds and distributes the material for free dissemination.
As a specialist in the construction of artificial lakes, Bio Piscinas, Lda. includes the conservation of the temporary mediterranean ponds in the management models of its activities, in order to make them compatible with the preservation of this habitat. For example never installs a biological pool in any kind of wetland.
Visit the LIFE Charcos project web page or the facebook page of the project. Here you could also join the Landstewardship Network of Temporary Ponds.