World Water Day is repeated every year on March 22nd and we are happy to celebrate it. Water is our element, and, obviously, the most precious asset in our world.
World Water Day was proclaimed through Resolution 47/193 adopted at General Assembly of United Nations on December 22, 1992 and aims to draw attention to the importance of fresh water and defend sustainable use and control of drinking water resources. When water is scarce or polluted, tensions between communities and countries can increase.

In our daily work we are dedicated to prevent water pollution, we design biological water treatment equipment every day. Nowadays it is called nature-based solutions. We work in several areas in the area of water depollution

  • with equipment that offers bathing quality water, treated exclusively by biological means and
  • wastewater treatment equipment, also with plants.

Those are two distinct worlds, which unite them is respect for water. This equipment allows certain water qualities to be achieved for certain uses, all without chlorine or chemical additives! With non-polluting water treatment systems!

In this way, we contribute every day preserving and protecting this precious asset, water. World Water Day is reminding us to communicate and celebrate this important topic. So I would like to thank each and every one of the great team that works with us for their dedication and the beautiful work they do every day, with full respect for water!