There are few rare species of aquatic plants. Many of them have a large distribution from North to South in Europe and even some are found naturally on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean or from Portugal to Siberia.

This is explained by the adaptation of aquatic plants to live in or at the water’s edge. They all are specialists and all their habitats, wetlands, are already occupied by these specialists where they have little competition, because there have always been only few species successfully conquered these special habitats.

But there are exceptions, for example, the beautiful plant that shows the photo. The Willow-leaved Loosestrife (Lysimachia ephemerum) is a naturally rare species with few populations in the Iberian Peninsula and the South of France. The species is classified as “vulnerable” on the Red List of Flora of Portugal.

We have this seed-based plant and have seedlings in the aquatic plant nursery, which produces aquatic species exclusively for our biological pool projects. On the wet edges of the biological pools, the beautiful Willow-leaved Loosestrife has revealed to be a robust species that contributes well with its flowering in the middle of summer to beautify the projects. In this way, biological pools contribute to safeguard the genetic heritage of this rare species. And if necessary, one day, we are willing to offer our knowledge and plants for a reintroduction in nature, if necessary. But it is always better to protect existing wild populations.