In the rainy season the biological pool becomes attractive to even more living beings. Much lower temperatures of this season and rain water falling from the sky encourage the willingness of salamanders and newts to initiate migrations in search of suitable places to meet for mating. Thus, on rainy nights the biological pool becomes a meeting point for amphibian species that live in terrestrial habitats during the rest of the year. Thus, biological pools serve as breeding grounds for these species, many of them already with threatening status in the Red Lists. Depending on their natural distribution areas, salamanders and various newt species can be found like the orange bellied newt and the marbled newt.

For the owners of biological pools it is important to note that the natural pools function as stepping stone habitats and assist in the reproduction of endangered species and these facilities, build for  summer bathing, thus constitute a cradle for amphibians in winter time. Another benefit for the environment and the wildlife of Portugal.