Water captures all of our attention. It’s not by chance. We need water for our life and for our survival. Without water there is no life, we already learned about it at school. So, it is completely natural that water plays such an important role for us.

There are even more benefits of water, which are not revealed at first glance. A stay near the water gives rest to your eyes and, above all, your thoughts. Hearing the murmur of water distracts from concentration and calls for deep relaxation. Which gives us the opportunity to rest physically and mentally, reflect and restore ourselves.

Regarding water, we can speak of a gentle fascination. Because our attention is held by a less active or stimulating activity. Such activities generally offer, in a harmless way, the opportunity to reflect and introspect.

This phenomenon, described by the scientist couple Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, is called Attention Restoration Theory. For over 30 years, they have been working on the importance of nature and the impact of natural environments on mood, state of mind and health. The main reason for them was the drastic increase in indoor entertainment. As people – and especially children – spent more and more time indoors, concerns grew about the lack of time in nature.

In other words, nature is good for us, especially near water.