September is the month when water is most lacking in nature. The lakes and dams have a very low level, even some are already dry, and in the streams there is little water left. This is the time when the kingfisher starts to appear next to the biological pools.

Since he finds a place to land, stop at the edge of the deck or on a stair pole, he looks and is very disappointed. No fish! His favorite diet is not around in any biological pool. But the kingfisher is looking at alternatives, because he also feeds on tadpoles, very young frogs and dragonfly larvae.

The kingfisher is very shy. It is not easy to observe. But he has his own way of announcing his visit. And whoever knows the typical sound of this bird, pays attention a few seconds before the kingfisher is arriving. Whenever the bird takes flight, it is screaming in a loud and very characteristic sound. Whoever is listening to this sound, has to look at the edge of the biological pool and there he comes, a bright blue high speed arrow lands abruptly in a strategic place above water and, when he finds something to eat, he crashes into the water and dives until catching the prey.

Whoever wants to improve the possibilities of kingfisher observation in a biological pool, has to place a stick or branch very close to the margin, about one meter above the water surface. The visit of the kingfisher, one day, is almost guaranteed, especially on autumn days.