The year 2018 ended with the finalization of many very beautiful pools. We are happy with the beauty that our projects introduced in landscapes and gardens of our clients. We have made unique experiences with each project and we want to thank our clients for their trust in our work, and not only those who worked with us in 2018. Special projects were born that were carried out with dedication.
By 2019 there are already many new projects under development, small and large, but all very interesting. There will be new challenges and new opportunities for unusual solutions. We are convinced to find the right solution for each case, simply because we love our work, we love our life as designers who takes us with each project to a new corner of Portugal, to the homes of our new clients and not rarely to even more beautiful places than anything we’ve ever known. With each new project we are very grateful to work and live in Portugal.
Prosit 2019 to all our customers, colleagues, suppliers and all interested in biological pools!
Claudia & Udo Schwarzer