Since always it is a pleasure for the designers at Bio Piscinas, Lda to reveal the mysteries and beauty of aquatic life. The 2022 Ethnobotanical Days (Jornadas Etobotânicas) in Amendoeira da Serra, Mértola, organized by Montícola, association for sustainable development and nature conservation, was one of the last opportunities. The workshop on aquatic plants and a presentation on the aquatic plants of Baixo Alentejo were much frequented.
Protecting what we know is especially true for wetlands that in times not too distant were considered useless places that were used only to leave all kinds of rubbish. This mindset, fortunately, has changed. More and more people want to know who sings in the reeds or where the otter lives. Which aquatic plants form an important part of the basis of this aquatic life, few people know yet. Distinguishing “slime” (algae) from aquatic plants is already a challenge for many people.
Unfortunately, there are only very few specialists in Portugal who want to dedicate themselves to unraveling the secrets of life in the wetlands. And so we consider it as a duty to participate, with our experience in the matter, in events such as the Ethnobotanical Days.